About Us

Our Vision

We, the Catholic parish of Saint Margaret Mary, aspire to live and share our Catholic faith through the celebration of the sacraments, prayer, education, outreach and service to the wider community.

Our Mission

We, the family of Saint Margaret Mary Parish are called by Jesus to be an active community of God’s people in the Catholic tradition. We are welcoming and diverse, committed to opening our hearts to God’s word in vibrant worship, sharing the story of how God has touched us by life-long faith formation, stewardship and service.

Our Staff

Fr. Ben Syberg

Parish Office and Rectory:
Parish Office Hours: Tue thru Fri. 9 a.m. to Noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Parish Secretary:
Melissa Auterson

Business Manager:
Currently Hiring for this position. Join our Team!

Director of Faith Formation:
Veronica Rogers

Director of Liturgical Music:
Lacey Nepote

Bulletin Information

The deadline for information to be included in the weekly bulletin is Tuesday at noon. Information must be in writing. Please send via e-mail to mcoad@smmth.org. All requests for information to be put into the bulletin must first be approved by the pastor or the pastoral associate.

Mass Intentions

If you would like to have a Mass offered for a special intention, please call 812-232-3512 or stop in the parish office. Donations are $10 for each Mass intention in honor or in memory of a special someone.